Olivia Villet graduated from Stellenbosch University in Cape Town, South Africa with a Honors Degree in Children’s Book Illustration in 1999. She arrived in London the following year with her suitcase and a publishing contract for Chester’s Big Surprise from Bloomsbury Children’s Books. Chester’s Big Surprise was published in 2001 after enjoying a ‘Best Newcomer Award’ from Publishing News (7 April 2000) at The Bologna Book Fair in 2000. Olivia has since illustrated several books including Sissy Buttons Takes Charge (Ian Whybrow, The Chicken House, 2002), There’s a Mouse in My House (Joanne Barkan, Reader’s Digest Children’s Books, 2006), three ‘Morris‘ books (Vivien French, HarperCollins, 2002,2003,2004) and Monster Mess (Tasha Pym, Collins Big Cat, 2007).
Olivia currently lives in Buckinghamshire in the UK with her husband, two sons, a spaniel called Spike and a labrador called Axel. She works using a mixture of gouache, ink, pencils and crayon.